
For reasons that are going to be very apparant, we are only posting up one page tonight – everything else is being held over, because you’re not going to be in the mood to read anything else here tonight afterwards.

We’ve been sitting on this for a while, and with the recent events taking us into the new year, we decided to wait for things to be a little calmer to avoid the danger of information overload.

There’s even been a suggestion by one of us that we should let sleeping dogs lie on this one, as the individual concerned has now apparantly vanished from the Simmers world.

However, we decided in the end that you have a right to know – if for no other reason than to act as a deterrent to anyone thinking of planning to pull such a shitty stunt in the Simmers world ever again.

Today we decided this cannot wait any longer.

We know already that this is going to make some of you blow your tops.

So be it.

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