Bjjrockstar – EA Forum SimGuru’s Officially Sponsored Forum Troll

We mentioned Bjjrockstar a few days ago, and over the last 24 hours has been awarded a Diploma in Advanced Bum Nuggetry for his behaviour surrounding his turgid Saw style story on the EA Forum.

What boils our pi$$ is that it appears to be with the official blessing of the Sim Gurus – and this time they can’t wriggle out of it with their old ‘bans and post deletions have nothing to do with us.’

But we’re going a little bit ahead here, so first let’s set the scene for those new to all this.

As you will remember, first Bjjrockstar demanded at least 10 recommendations before he’d continue with his cruddy story on the EA Forum.

Guess what happened?

Come back Anthony Burgess and Irving Welsh, all is forgiven!

BreeBree711’s not normally one for showing her distain, but in this case she chose to make this chancer an exception:

Dylsoccer12 was similarly not exactly shaving his head and joining the Foreign Legion over the news:

Neither were many others over Bjjrockstar appalling textspeak English post after post after frigging post:

Less amused were Usergino and Vidkid20, the latter pointing out that the wretch had earned some recommendations without having to lift a finger.

Later on, Bjjrockstar did an about turn:

But Lunabear as you can see was not exactly impressed.

One reasons was that a number of threads of a similar ilk appeared and disappeared along the following nature, basically calling out Dylsoccer12’s for his previous lampooning of Bjjrockstar’s random letter style of text and accusing him of sour grapes:

But why single out Dylsoccer12 when there was BreeBree711 and Vidkid20 effectively calling Bjjrockstar out for his ‘rec payment to post’ and plenty of others slagging him off for his dreadful posts – let alone prose?

Later we learned that Dylsoccer12 was suspended from the forum for 72 hours – the reason was posting his e-mail address, although there’s been dozens of such infractions of later (always ill-advised, you don’t know what moron’s taking note of it). Bear this in mind for later.

Hours later, Bjjrockstar came back, claiming that his Dylsoccer12 accusations was all meant to be a ‘joke’ – those knowing about Dylsoccer12’s fate by now were far from laughing, the rest seeing it as an attention whore trying to eck some more mileage out of his 15 minutes of infamy:

One of the dangers of occasions like these is that it gives the full-time flame warriors all the ammo they need to exacerbate a situation by playing to the mob – and LittleV (on vacation from guerrilla warfare over on Snooty Sims again) was not one to let such a chance slip by.

However much her sentiments may have been echoed, including by ourselves, all that was needed was her usual routine (particularly the old ‘you will be banned’ line so beloved by forum agent provocateurs to inflame the unwary) to ensure it was strung out for as long as possible, with the possibility of it turning ugly or of someone speaking out of turn enough to wind up in trouble with the moderators.

Vidkid20 called for him to end his nonsense:

But Bjjrockstar was going to milk it more than an American cow jabbed with ‘Monsanto’s magic potion’

By this point the Owls of Cynicism were thick on the ground, none more eloquent than that of Sarona’s:

But cry havoc, and out come the forum dogs of war – and this was not going to end well:

As Sarah_0223 pointed out, it wasn’t even as if the victim was able now to give their side of things – the timing smacked somewhat of someone indirectly gloating about other matters:

And StevieFischer gave out sound advice on dealing with all such trolls:

Although Danom8player would have had Irish eyes smiling with this one:

Whilst another new kid on the EA block, Playeralyalyweck, concisely summarised the contradiction of Bjjrockstar’s claims:

As well as making a very telling point about the duplicity of EA’s banhammer – bear this in mind for what happened later:

If anything encapsulated Playeralyalyweck, it was the final post, an exchange by the two major protagonists keeping this thread going:

Then, it was scrubbed.

What followed beggared belief:

Yes, Vidkid20 – who made one post in that thread calling for an end to the bickering – and she’s the one getting banned!

To further the sick irony of having Firestar77_2 reporting it, there came the following comment from Dolphinz2121:

The sick irony? Dolphinz2121, Firestar77_2 and Vidkid20 – three people that by and large do their damnedest on the EA Forum to pour oil on troubled waters are the ones that have all been suspended in recent months, whilst those trying to chuck lighted matches on top have the inflammatory threads they instigate or exacerbate deleted, yet are allowed to continue to post.

EA moderators and Customer Services, what is your effing problem?

But here’s the real sickener – get a load of this!

Yes, three trolling dipwads, still posting merrily away and continuing milking events, a full twenty four hours and Frith knows how many threads later.

Now for the punchline, or rather the ‘makes-you-want-to-punch’ line:

Yes, a bloody SimGuru – the one that announced the Exchange Cull – happily hobnobbing with the biggest bloody troll over the last two day spread!

You couldn’t make it up.

Are they all in the same Masonic Lodge or something?

What chance does anyone have on the EA Forums when the bloody SimGurus play footsie with the @rsehole element?

Why bother, when those meant to be stopping troublemakers openly patsie to the dickheads whilst those trying to keep everyone friends and calm things down get punished for it?

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