We Don’t Believe You Did This

SimGuruPopTart’s crappy nannied ‘off topic’ thread on the EA forum saw at least the welcome enough reappearence of Vera Blake:

The mysterious appearence of another Sim Guru on the thread in the shape of Hydra (funny how they’re never bloody around when everyone’s shouting for one to appear, eh?)

‘Gotta stay hydrated!’? Why? Are you a pot plant?

But what Simjett said on the thread summed up our feeling entirely about what came to pass:

We’re too cross to bother posting up the evidence – go over and look for yourselves if any of you care – but basically Hippiedippie posted up the very pictures that got Vidkid20 permabanned large enough to bust the sides of the thread, Kelle quoted what Hippiedippie had posted in order to continue busting the thread, with SimsAddict121 and Blazaxx joined in with spamming pics of what had got others banned.

Yes, quite aside from Blazaxx swinging a wrecking ball through someone else’s thread days after apologising for her previous antics, we see several people that took her and the rest of the Pink Plumbob trio to task for their counter-productive behaviour, deciding to do a bit of wrecking themselves days later.

Vidkid20 and some others may give them a round of applause, but it’s the slow handclap from here.

Whatever anyone thinks of the whole forced camadarie of the Sim Gurus off topic thread, whatever anyone – especially us – thinks of the hypocrisy of the those calling them ‘Evil Arts’ one minute then falling over themselves to play footsie with their hirelings in the blink of an eye, at the end of the day its their crappy thread and it’s equally as shitty to wreck it as it would be if it were one of your own being wrecked by the usual suspects.

The irony is that the ‘wreckers’ actually helped that thread more than they hindered it, for when you take into consideration last week they scraped 4 pages, this week they’d have been lucky to get 2 pages worth of replies instead of five had they not received all those lengthy picture posts to vastly inflate the page count.

Please guys, don’t start doing the very things you hate seeing being done to your own and your friends threads, otherwise that’s only making even more people miserable that don’t deserve it.


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