Don’t let Hraklis943 try and steal your thunder

Back on the subject of Pleasantview recreations, one person you ought to be warned about is a clown called Hraklis943.

Last year he ‘recreated’ Pleasantview for Sims 3 and posted it on Mod The Sims.

However, a cursory look of what was posted up in those pre-Create A World days shows that his ‘Pleasantview’ was little more than Sunset Valley with some of the homes changed.

That hasn’t stopped him ever since trying to cash in on other people’s more substantial Pleasantview recreation work (ie. actually building a world) and accusing them of copying him.

From ILoveSims58’s project that we mentioned before:

Also MaxiMatt got the same treatment:

The interesting thing is that the girning Greek gave no such examples to justify his accusation, and seemed to be relying on bluff and bluster to try an extract a ‘confession’ in each case (‘it would be better if you said it now’), perhaps in the hope that someone will ‘credit’ him simply to get him off their back (knowing the ‘rabble rabble’ tendency within the EA forum at the slightest accusations of plagerism)

Take a look at Hraklis943’s version of 105 Sim Lane

Now let’s look at MaxisMatt’s version:

Yes, apart from the top window and colouring they look similar. Here’s the punchline – Maximatt’s looks more like the real thing.

Don’t take our word for it, Singoutloudx just happened to be doing a whole load of Pleasantview homes recreations as well – and helpfully provided pictures of the originals for people for everyone to compare and contrast.

Yes, the Sims 3 version of 105 Sims Lane looks similar to that of Maximatt and Hraklis943 – of course it does, since they’re all meant to be copying the same Sims 2 plan!

There are literally hundreds of copies of the Pleasantview properties doing the rounds since July of last year – it was inevitable that people would attempt to recreate their old favourites for the new version of the game. For anyone to go around claiming ‘that was my version you’re claiming as your own!’, you’re going to have to come up with some bloody very solid way of proving it – and for all his barfing Hraklis943 has never come up with a single shred of evidence to back up any of his attempts to render others guilty by insinuation.

Next time this greasy little creep shoots his mouth off in the EA forum or elsewhere claiming that someone’s copied his work, tell him to put up or shut up. He’s been getting away with this for long enough now.

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