One year on, the LOLSims go on

When you’re faced with a picture like this from Chart63:

You know there’s a LOLSims thread about.

Over on the EA forum, Lady Emillye’s been hosting a contest to celebrate a year’s worth of the madness she kicked off, and the entries have been piling in.

On a similar burning issue as Chart63 came Kittycattylion:

We weren’t all in agreement with Gomar6’s caption…

…one of us insists that gnome was attempting to do Riverdance!

So they put in their thumb…

…and pulled out Tiny1 – and said ‘what a good Simmer am I!’

Whilst we have FriendlieLlama to thank for highlighting to us the growing problem within Simmie society.

We’re talking about sparkle abuse.

Going by the street name of ‘Glitter’ or ‘Twilight Vampire’, young Simmies start snorting them at an early age, before you know it, they’re total glitter heads.

As Paco1200 showed, it’s already been linked to an increase in violence from young Simmies.

It could be that Demon Doll from the Exchange that’s to blame – well they’ve blamed it for just about everything else!

Vidkid20 decided it was time to lift the tone of the proceedings.

But it was Reebecky who came up with the winner of Lady Emillye’s contest with the following truckload of trouble:

So congrats to Reebecky who won 250 Sims Points, Tiny1 who won 125 Sims Points and Paco1200 who won 75 Sim Points for their entries, and a nice gesture by SimGuru Hydra to keep the thread stickied for the duration – would be even nicer if it was once more made a permanent stickied feature as before, but we’ll wait and see.

Remember people, every LOLSim makes a Poida very happy!

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