EA Moderator ADMITS To Using The Mare’s Nest To Patrol EA Forum With

So the Six Of The Best Awards are over until the summer, but the fun doesn’t quite stop there – for there’s one tale to tell surrounding it that we think you’ll be interested in if you’re one of those unhappy about the running of the EA forums.

But before we go any further, let’s introduce you to the dramatis for tonight’s little tale of bumnuggetry beyond the call of duty:

The ‘Flip This Lot’ team are another of those smug, self-congratulatory kind generous building teams creating stuff for people who are so butt lazy they need their kids to show them how to work the DVD player aren’t as skilled or talented, and away from the lesser beings on the EA forum have their own little place and chatbox, imaginatively entitled Flip This Lot.

But it appears that the title takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to some of the things they like to discuss there.

Get a load of this!

‘Evil Mare’s Nest’, eh?

Doesn’t stop her from reading us though?

So Ruthless_KK thinks that the Six of The Best Awards was ‘mostly crap’. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion – but it’s a rather interesting view for a Simguru to hold when one of the awards is for Most Entertaining Poster on the EA Forum.

So, nice for all you EA forum members – oh and members of other forums, independent bloggers, etc – to know what EA appointee Ruthless_KK thinks of you and your various Simming activities on which we nominated you on – ‘mostly crap.’

Oh, and take a little note at what one of the nominees – Meestor Mark – said, ‘I got lost a couple of times this week trying to find it.’

Jeez, haven’t these people heard of using the Search facility?

Certainly those Simmers with German as their first language has no difficulty in finding where to vote – as Crinrict will testify – especially as we’d posted up the place to vote twice (and most people didn’t need to be shown twice.

However the Flip This Lot, er, ‘lot’ perhaps thought that simple instructions were all some sort of ‘evil Mare’s Nest’ trick, as you’ll later discover.

But let’s not dash too far ahead. Let’s get back to Ruthless_KK talking about ‘evil’ us – oh, and don’t be drinking anything at this point, unless you have a particular desire to wash your monitor screens with that tea/coffee/Absinthe or whatever at high speed.

Whoa there, you say The Mare’s Nest is pointless yet all in the same breath admit to be using it to help you do your job monitoring the EA forum?

Leaving aside your breathtaking hypocrisy, you don’t think perhaps that actually being on the EA website and watching what’s going on at the forum – rather than gassing with your sycophants on a chatbox – might be a better idea, instead of waiting for the ‘evil Mare’s Nest’ to be pointing out what has been going on after the damage is done – sometimes many hours later when it’s too late?

Then you wonder why Cloverstardropper thought the Simgurus were all on the sauce every night – and she didn’t mean the HP or McDonalds Secret variety?!

Let’s be clear about this – you’re the EA forum moderator Ruthless_KK, not us!

Ruthless_KK’s lickspittle Sparkle sure doesn’t get where the real joke lies – but we doubt if many of the fed up members of the EA forum will be smiling. From day one we’ve been naming and shaming the basket case element and calling for those that are supposed to be looking after the board to get their finger out.

Now we have confirmation straight from the donkey’s mouth that one of EA’s forum moderators are sitting on their fat arses waiting for us to tell them what’s going on in their own bloody forum. It’s like your local police awaiting the evening newspaper to appear online, so they know what crime scenes they need to dash to. Now we know what the KK in Ruthless_KK’s name means – Keystone Kop!

‘Shhhh… For goodness sake, don’t tell ‘em. I would be skewered endlessly…’

Too late!

And as if there’s not enough hilarity to go on (frankly you have to laugh, ‘cos this makes EA a laughing stock), there was one more. They managed to completely screw up helping Meestor Mark, despite us giving everyone a special extra prompt thread showing them where to vote.

‘shocked to see my name over there?’

What, you mean like here?

Of course, Ruthless_KK might have pointed this out to you, just as she might have given an exact link to the thread where to vote (just as many other blogs and forums managed easily enough) so Alli Dongle could have tied the vote after all, but clearly that was too much like hard work.

Bit like moderating the EA forum, really? Then she wonders why they have a troll problem on the EA forum.

‘Our little forum is prime troll stomping ground because the pickings are so good.’

Yes, and because at least one of the moderators are clearly worse than useless by their own admission without us to spoonfeed them.

P.S: And if you think this was bad, wait until you read about the backlash to it!

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