TwistedTranslator’s Thread’s Teacup Tempest Transformation Tissy

Poor newbie TwistedTranslator (at least in terms of posts) discovered last night the hard way why attempting to raise any sort of contentious issue over in Ideas and Feedback on the EA forum is like putting a match to gunpowder, at least in the current climate of rampant egomania c/o those treating it as their own personal Brawl Hall to show ‘I’m smarter than everyone else here.’

It started with her posting a topic that’s been all but done to death on the EA forum, but that was sure as hell not going to stop certain people using it to attempt to flog their own long dead hobby horses.

Sure enough, out came Innuendo19 to play his well overused ‘gay persecution’ card, with StarBuccaneer acting as cheerleader.


Ever heard of the economists phrase ‘the Pink Pound’, bumnuggets? It’s the reason why the media got on board ‘gay friendly’ TV programming and heavily promoted bands such as Erasure and Pet Shop Boys during the 1980s – before you were even born.

CalmoreZoo threw up another old myth.

But it was a dead cert they were going to kick up a stink about the game being ‘gay friendly’ whether or not it was advertised anyway (which as Madame Lee later pointed out was exactly what they did), so why not use it to get some free publicity, knowing a lot of people would support anything they opposed for the hell of it anyway – great way to get rid of its ‘soppy game for little girls’  image at a stroke!

Besides which, there’s a big old world outside of the United States, and anyone that thinks global corporations care two hoots about offending its tightening Bible Belt needs to get out more. As Marilyn Mansun proved so damningly in Denver 2000, every time someone stood up to them, they crumbled.

Thanks be to plumbob for Sereia8, who nailed it on the head the real reason.

Far too many people look into issues that aren’t there more to do with their own agendas (gay rights, fundamentalist secularism, etc) than reality. Bad enough when the shoot-em-ups are targetted (sorry, bad pun!), but when they start pointing the finger at the Sims 3 they’d better have a case to answer.

TwistedTranslator’s response to Poida (the latter once again currently making bizarre posts for reasons best known and of interest only to himself in his old Wasteland blog he’d made such a song and dance about disowning earlier in the year) was rather illuminating. If a scene can be interpreted as either lesbians or two girls experimenting, why not opposing sexes getting it on be a gay guy and a lesbian also experimenting? Heck, it’s a big enough staple of all too many soaps which the Sims 3 does its best to represent at times!

And as Sands_In_The_Hour was to point out later, if you do it with lesbians you’re all but assured of getting clean away with it anyway – another great soap opera (and disreputable video shop!) staple.

The usually concisely eloquent PinkDagger summarised what EA have been attempting to do with the short target span any advert has to catch attention of consumers.

As Simpkin also noted, the game is not about attempting to persuade people to a particular point of view.

So far, so good, but as you’d have expected to happen, just as much as the ‘Pink power’ started trying to hijack the thread subtly, so did those at the other end of the spectrum.

EN55 spoilt it all for himself with that last line, ‘nobody has to accept that lifestyle’  – manna from heaven for those wanting to turn it into another inane debate thread with little to do with Sims 3.

Still, Shannachka made us smile with her line about ‘rampant homosexuality/bisexuality’, which sort of conjures up images of an apocalyptic line of warriors at the brow of a hill looming over some darkening field of battle, dressed like extras from the Blue Oyster Bar and Xena The Warrior Princess, a broadsword in one hand and a giant jar of Vaseline in the other, awaiting the last bars of Carl Orff’s Oh Fortuna before charging to orgy victory or death.

SimRomanov (someone else finding his accounts permabanned c/o malicious reporting by those egomaniacs seeing him as ‘competition’) pointed out that there was one specific set gay in the base game, politely leaving out the fact that as the game leaves all singletons as neutral it had no way to keep him that way, as Sharkloverplayer was to explain to Madame Lee.

Best laid plans, eh?

But there were people like KizzyLove determined to try and get a flame war going, whilst being careful in their wording to ensure they’d not be blamed for kicking things off themselves by an evasive choice of language, and it would be everyone else getting the warnings and bans.

It was only going to be a matter of time before it all went wrong.

Dear TwistedTranslator – when you do get those little niggling forebodings in your mind upon the EA forum, they’re usually with good reason, and time to bale!

ShooterII’s attempted sermon did provide some momentary amusement before the coming storm with her remarks about if having problems with gays you should order online.

We had no idea you could buy homosexuals in the shops in the first place, let alone order online with apparantly better consumer protection if what ShooterII is saying is true. You live and learn, eh?

(Cue visions of SimRomanov after hastily getting in touch with ShooterII being on the telephone ordering service for the high street store Gay U Like – ‘Your One Stop Shop For All Your Homosexual Needs: If It’s Queer, It’s Here! Rough Trade Discounts Available. ‘

‘Hello, I’d like to order two Chapstick Dykes and half a dozen Korean schoolgirls please – extra spicy with plenty of sauce! No, I’m not interested in this week’s special of the four ‘Frisco Queens at half price!’)

But when the usual suspects like SimCrazed (never happy about any thread other than his own hogging everyone’s attention) and TanyaRubirose started turning up, you knew there was a turn for the worse in the offing they would be determined to instigate.

Or it could be because it constituted feedback, f**kface!

Sure enough, Obvious Troll in the shape of Earcat (who damn well knows better) came along, and all hell broke loose.

And that was all the excuse that was needed.

Run for your lives children, the Huge Manatees are stampeding!

Not only that, every other flame warrior that up until that point had been very careful merely to lurk in the background and await wait their moment ploughed straight in to take advantage of a thread started by a novice poster unaware that certain people aren’t happy unless they’re recreating Kursk on the EA forum.

Thus the whole thread swiftly got sillier…

… and sillier…

…and sillier…

All that was needed was for this to arrive.

As Streetdiva01 said, just another argue thread.

She received backing from Vidkid20, who knew in her heart by this stage it was too late to save this thread from getting binned, having saw the way threads are hijacked and destroyed all too many times before.

As on and on the usual blowbags went, in love with the sight of their own elongated posts of tortuous blow by blow logic in order to fire off as many factoids as possible for their own onaism, until the inevitable lockdown.


The people that ought to have been apologising here instead of the original poster are those that from the outset were only interested in starting a fight for the sake of it or out of the twisted pleasure of busting the thread and getting it deleted – and to that we name not merely Earcat but Johnnywr (who would have a wee fanny fit to himself if anyone dared do it to Rflong7/13, Writin_Reg or any of the rest of his CAW mates), Jarsie9 (slipping back into her old ways it appears after all), SimCrazed32 and the rest of them who saw TwistedTranslator as easy prey.

But you may as well wait for Aarin and Jix2993 to snog under the mistletoe before that’s ever going to happen.

Poor TwistedTranslator – did she ever get a lesson on why you may as well attempt to knit with spaghetti as try an adult discussion in the EA forum!

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