Gratuitous Unicorn Woo-hoo Legacy?

No, Aarin isn’t involved before you ask!

Over at Sims Forums, they managed somehow to pick up a story teller called Rainslace, who’s decided to use them as a spot to plug the Summers Tarot Legacy she’s been doing, 78 Nights Of Summer.

Three chapters in four days bodes pretty well (it’s actually the fourth chapter, as there was a prologue), so the Taffers, er, Simmie story junkies out there may want to keep an eye out on what appears to be a promising start.

The story is based on a character who moves from Rflong7/13’s Cake Island (probably because the old meanie’s taxing the arse off them to make up for not getting a Simoleon off those rent-and-tax dodging effers on Lonely Island) to the mainland (ie. Sunset Valley).

If that alone doesn’t make you suspicious that its a Berry Sweet story in disguise, the bright pastel colours of the screenshots will (it reminds us a little of World Of Warcraft colouring, except without everything appearing to glow like a sodding Twilight vampire).

Go to the graveyard to help vaccinate some Sims? Usually when a doctor visits the graveyard, it more to do with them wanting to apologise to their patients!

There’s a lot of unicorns in it for all you horny horse fetishists out there, and as you can see, this one’s got a bit of the WoW glow to him.

Be warned – Bryony Summers gets knocked up with undue haste by Mr Plod. We blame it on her being so friendly with those unicorns, who appear to have one thing on their mind 24/7.

Avert your eyes if you are easily shocked or offended.

Oh the Simanity! Leaving nothing to the imagination (of Picasso, at any rate)!

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