Bookygirl’s Not Impressed When It Comes To The Rainbow Test

You will remember we mentioned Bookygirl’s birthday a fortnight back. Well here’s the rest of what went on – since it touches on something we were speaking about last year about the appropriation of gay rights issues by careerists. Poor Booky just got herself a big taste of exactly what we were warning about last year:

learning the hard way

A gender neutral bathroom. You are celebrating the erosion by stealth of what took a century to achieve under the veneer of political correctness.

facepalmhy2  banghead

Okay, let’s spell this out for all of you what is the shape of bumnuggetry to come.

But first, some basic premises: the primary being politicians couldn’t care a shit about trans-genders, transvestites, trans-species or the rest of the rag-tag and bob-tail of the whole ‘I’m a [Insert X] trapped inside a [Insert Y] body’  awareness circus, no matter how many specious platitudes they espouse. Never did, never will. Stop kidding yourselves. They simply see it as an issue to exploit for the grandisement of themselves and their friends.

This is a perfect example: gender neutral toilets are simply a way of implementing even more budget cuts on public facilities via reduced economics of scale – the ‘you don’t money for two separate toilet blocks anymore!’ in the pending tray for public services buildings (after a discreet level of time…) and getting rid of another piece of ‘red tape’ that businesses have to obey when that money could be lining some plutocrats’ pockets.

Separate bathrooms were created in the first place so females didn’t have to fear sexual harassment (or worse) from having to share washroom facilities with the male of the species. Sorry folks, we’re as suspicious of fundamental feminism as anyone, but this is one case the All Men Are Bastards brigade were spot on about, and once the inevitable abuse cases start hitting the courts, everyone will start screaming for separate bathrooms once again – and everyone will blame the trannies lobby groups (with more than a little help from the media) for ‘removing’ them in the first place – not the politicians with the eye for the main chance.

whistling mares nest version  whistling mares nest version

Pretty sneaky, eh?

learning the hard way 1

A certain Mr Doe kept putting his twelve inches right in it (for the benefit of the MTS/MATY readers, that was a pun on foot by the way, not anything else!) throughout the week, and whilst at times he appeared to have the IQ of a goldfish, at times we couldn’t help feeling sorry for someone perhaps feeling he was treading on eggshells over the latest educational diktat being foisted on the teaching profession for reasons other than getting kids to get some qualifications and with it some hope of a decent life after their compulsory education is over.

learning the hard way 2

Come Friday however, the penny was – if not finally beginning to drop for Bookygirl – at least making an unmistakeable ‘ka-ching!’

This was where things got messier than a King Kurt concert where the supermarket across the road from the gig had feathers and treacle on special offer that night.

learning the hard way 3

Okay, so you want people to stick up for people being bullied over their sexuality, but there should be no sticking up for those putting their necks on the line for them? Isn’t that just a tad selfish? Come on Booky, you’re not that naïve surely to plumbobs about what happens to those that do speak up for another kid being bullied over their sexuality (perceived or otherwise) – they’ve effectively written their own peer group death warrant, unless they happen to be one of the ‘kewl kids’ coated with that social Teflon coming from being someone everyone wants to shag or hang around with to get a bit of reflected glory.

That said, we do see an element of hijacking in the process with the ‘and their allies’ bit. The far left have been trying to co-opt gays to their cause ever since the far-right were trying to court the early militant Christians such as Mary Whitehouse and the Moral Majority tossers and thus the usual ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ nonsense kicked in. Prior to that, they despised anything that wasn’t heterosexual as being ‘part of the self-indulgences and moral decadence of the bourgeoisie at the expense of the working class, blah, waffle, drone.’

(The far-left and far-rights marriages of convenience to special interest groups are as messy as they are legendary, especially in the UK…)

But today the risk is the whole ragtag and bobtail of ‘gay rights’ finding itself being co-opted into being just another of the ‘worthy causes’ of your average careerist ‘human rights activist’ wanker – most of whom have done little or nothing for those they purport to stand up for but have made bloody good livings cherry picking which one is the most fashionable to focus upon at any one time in order to get the maximum governmental grants for various ‘awareness workshops’, media interviews for which a ‘consultancy fee’ is charged, etc.

Now for the real heavy bit:

this is sidney poitier serious

Isn’t a day of silence completely counter-productive anyway?

Think about it, a day of silence for those needing to stay silent over their sexuality for fear of getting a kicking – bit of an oxymoron, yeah? Wouldn’t a day of no silence be a better idea?

Still, at least it didn’t end up a day of violence instead. Remember kids, violence solves nothing – except in Skyrim.

But as for Mr Doe, sure, he may be ‘an ignorant arsehole’, but he didn’t get himself sacked by saying the wrong thing on the day, one way or another. Which we suspect was the reason why he proved to have all the cognitive thought of a vending machine. Speaking over and above what the education department says is allowed is fine and noble, perhaps, but as Zhivan would put it, ‘the economy really isn’t there, yet, is it?’

Never mind – congratulations on your one year anniversary with Rose, something far more important than any officialdom ‘Rainbow Weeks’. Remember the litre bottle of Lucozade to get you through the one year plus one day hangover after!

wiggle tongue  wiggle tongue

Please note: The Mare’s Nest in no way advocates or encourages under age drinking. Unless you’re trying to write blog posts whereupon it’s a godsend. Alcohol is a tool, treat it with respect and it will treat you with respect. Or at least anaesthetise you enough to get through a night with your relatives/coworkers without murdering them…

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