EA’s Sinhaseni Made A Proper Charlie By Camille Campbell The Serial Huckster

Sorry we never posted about this yesterday. To be honest, we were too sore with laughter over what has been the Simgurus most monumental f**k up of all time.

As if EA weren’t in enough trouble over Sims 4, now their PR manager has really landed them in hot water with his crass behaviour.

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There has been much weeping and grinding of teeth over the random distribution of access to the Sims 4 CAS demo  – including to amongst others Caspin at Sims Forums, who has already said they can shove the game where the sun don’t shine. Nice to see EA still pays such close attention to what their ‘beloved Mac folk’ tell them!

ehwhat mare's nest version  ehwhat mare's nest version

Enter into our story Charlie Sinhaseni, the PR manager for Sims 4 who boasts an impressive pedigree of game spindoctoring, including the Final Fantasy series, the Civilization series , the Bioshock series, Duke Nukem Forever, but who really had his work cut out last year with the Sim City (2013) debacle.

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As you may have guessed by him pinning excitedly to the top of his Twitter a recent visit by Felicia Day – favourite fap fantasy of geeks and bit part actress from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and ‘um, er, dunno!‘ to everyone else – Charlie is one for the ladies…

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No, this post isn’t about you Sheen – piss off!

Ahem, as we were saying, Charlie is one for the ladies

However, his libido got himself into a spot of both two days ago upon the hasty launch of the Sims 4 CAS demo as EA sought to quickly quell the open rebellion over more features falling off than a lepar at a plastic surgeon’s.

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We at the Mare’s Nest wish to make it clear that we strongly condemn those suggesting that Ms Camille Campbell’s scantily clad ‘I’m so hot and horny right now, big boy!’ Twitter masthead in any way unduly influenced Simguru Ryan and Charlie Sinhaseni’s decision to give her one. The demo that is.

In the middle of all the squees from those with the demo and screams from those without, someone decided to try and jump the queue, that someone being one Camille Campbell –  a former model and a former co-host of New York’s WWPR FM Power 105 radio, which specialises in Hip Hop and R&B (aka muzak for people too lazy and stupid to learn how to sing or play instruments and whose egos are inversely proportional to their talent). Rud3bwoy is one of said station’s biggest fans – ’nuff said!

She took to Twitter to make her feelings known to Simguru Ryan Vaughan.

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This despite the fact Simguru Ryan had made it perfectly clear why it was only a limited number who were going to get the demo – namely stability.

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And that ought to have been that.

What happened next wiped the smiles off virtually every remaining Sims 4 fan.

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For those who thought they were seeing things…

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‘I’ll get you sorted out.’ Only in your dreams, bud!

And indeed in a shocking volte face, Camille Campbell was immediately included at the behest of Charlie Sinhaseni and Ryan Vaughan on those being allowed to download the restricted demo!

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We’ll bet you weren’t half as excited as they were – fnaar!

Don’t say ‘Willy’ Camille, you’ll only get his hopes up (and other parts besides)

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She proceeded to spend a merry day uploading to Twitter lots of piccies of what she was making with Sims 4 CAS for the benefit of all those that unlike her had been given preferential treatment.

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‘Hey girls, I got my Sims 4 CAS demo on a fair trade! I had a bone to pick with them, and they picked up a boner from me. Sparkles!’

This made Simguru Ryan very happy.

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‘Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh yes Camille uh yes babe uh yes YES YESSSSSSSSS!’

But to call this turn of events a red rag to a bull with everyone else was an understatement.

In one (dick) stroke, the Sims 4 PR manager and one of its senior team members blew all the good will it had regained from the disgrunted Sims 4 devotees – all for the sake of getting in the good books of some ‘hot booty’ – and the EA forum continually crashed offline throughout the last two days as thread upon thread of rage has been created.

Camille Campbell will be starring soon in Maxis Studios new Bridgit Bardot tribute movie, 'And Sharkloverplayer Created Woman'.

Camille Campbell will be starring soon in Maxis Studios new Bridgit Bardot tribute movie, ‘And Sharkloverplayer Created Woman’.

For there wasn’t a single Simmer who wasn’t fooled that the only reason that special treatment had been given to Camille Campbell was due to the array of rather ranchy photographs of herself on her Twitter and other web pages.

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EatChees then made what proved a highly prophetic post:

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Sure enough, Pandabearrox said that Charlie boy had posted the following excuse:

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Oh no she doesn’t! She clearly says on her Twitter page that she used to be the co-host of a radio show. Past tense – nice try!

Or as Sunfisher0 said in translation:

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slaplol  slaplol

As EatChees was to say on another thread later, any PR expert using their brain instead of thinking through their underpants would have realised how easily that lie would have been seen through by everyone:

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But let’s return to our original one:

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Indeed ClaudiaElzo – not so much random pick as circle jerk!

ehwhat mare's nest version  ehwhat mare's nest version

Much to our amazement, Anavastia swallowed Charlie boy’s excuses whole:

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Anavastia, seriously? At least keep up with the story on Twitter before condemning the condemners!

Take it away Cinebar and Dreamerz13:

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It wasn’t merely a case of Charlie boy slightly overstepping the mark – it was vaulting clean over it for a new world record in the long jump.

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As Wickedjr89 also pointed out, it was the creepy manner in which she was treated that left little doubt that the tangible assets which led Charlie and Simguru Ryan to treat her as a special case had little to do with Simming – more to do with her ‘tactile’s leading to a decision ‘intuitive’!

To say nothing of the speed with which they complained to Twitter to have Wickedjr89’s tweet deleted – as well as their own.

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Nyosim was even less impressed:

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Yes, no blow ups has been nailed to the door of Redwood City Studios. By the look of it, they’ll be having to add another sentence with blow to the ‘no’ list now.

Even Wissawolf made a rare post to exclaim her disgust at events:

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At least Dezmeria could see the funny side:

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slaplol  smiley-shocked032

We spluttered our drinks all over our monitors reading that, damn you, Dezmeria!

Kmh330 wasn’t laughing however:

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But for sheer vitriol at Charlie boy’s antics, Taranatar9’s lampoon took some beating:

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bravo  smiley-lol

This was the cue for plenty of high jinks:

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There was one however that was particularly telling…

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Asuka7794 may be an irritating troll, but they scored a Shakespearian palpable hit with this ghost walker post, reminding Charlie Sinhaseni that his oriental girlfriend might take a very dim view of him showing blatant favouritism at work to some sassy sexy former model.

Camille meanwhile was starting to discover that Simmers don’t like preferential treatment for YibSims, or in this case FapSims.

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And somewhat too late but better late than never, she decided that discretion was the better part of rubbing everyone’s noses in it.

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As for Charlie boy, matters were a bit more serious:

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Shewolf51 and PsycheYourMind08 summed matters up nicely:

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‘When your PR needs PR, that’s a bad thing.’

Indeed, although we would add that Simguru Ryan also has something to answer for. It is pretty clear that Charlie boy required some sort of Simguru clearance in order for Camille Campbell to get that access code sent to her – he was after all only the PR guy. It is highly doubtful he would have had the authority to give anyone clearance – and Ryan appears to be the one that gave it.

Anavastia meanwhile was almost digging as big a hole for herself with her determination to find excuse after excuse for what was completely inexcusable, with Sk8rblaze showing more patience than many would have in having to spell out parrot fashion to someone that is clever enough not to need it, and well she knows it.

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Anyone working in PR has people pretending to be celebrities to get free samples, onto guest lists and so on all the time. Charlie Sinhaseni is long enough in the business to know how to go through all the checks on a story to see if they match, yet somehow he was fooled where so many of the Simming community were not?

Bullshit! He gave Camille Campbell special treatment for reasons pertaining to his own libido, nothing else, and as StillJustMe2 elaborated on, this could be classed as gross misconduct from risking the reputation of the business by his behaviour:

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And risk EA’s reputation he has…

…because here folks comes the big Mare’s Nest twist in the tale which may turn this into a nightmare for EA!

Of all the people Charlie Sinhaseni could have given special favours to, he really could not have picked a worse one if he tried:

Camille Campbell aka Camille808 – A Serial Huckster

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Camille Campbell is someone with a history of outstanding bumnuggetry in her quest for fame, but the one that made her infamous was in 2011 when she posted naked pictures online – not of herself, but of rapper Yung Berg (note spelling), best known for the Billboard Top 20 hit ‘Sexy Lady’.

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As if this wasn’t enough, as Camille tried to justify leaking posting pictures of his meat and two veg all over the internet (it wasn’t for fame, honest!), there came a twist in the tale as a model called Sarah Nicole aka Snikkyy accused Camille of trying to pass off her pictures as being that of herself for years.

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You can see the video making this claim here.

Could matters get any more dodgy?

They sure could!

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Camille Campbell took the above video that Sarah Nicole made, and edited it to make it appear that it was her!

thOMG  thOMG

What she does is edits out Sarah Nicole’s speaking between the end of the first second through to the third second, so it makes it look like she’s saying ‘Hey all, this is [break] Camille808.’ instead of:

‘Hey all, this is Sarah Nicole sitting in regarding Camille808, for years now she has been using my pictures and videos and claiming that my images are herself as Camille808…’

So don’t be feeling too sorry for any flak this little madame may be getting – she has a track record for screwing people over, not merely dumb EA executives with their brains in their underpants.

Dear oh dear Charlie Sinhaseni, for someone that works in PR, you put Gerard Ratner to shame!

facepalmhy2     point

Postscript: Two months after these events came the launch of Sims 4 to lukewarm or outwardly hostile reviews.

At the very moment it was never in greater need of an experienced communications strategist to handle the public relations disaster unfolding, EA and Charlie Sinhaseni parted company.

post script to the proper charlie scandal

Make of that what you will.

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