ArtaziousDamious Ain’t Clowning Around

Look out kids, we have ourselves a new player.

Yep, really!

Or it may be just a Sims 2 player that finally decided to become more modern, and switch to the One True Game at the same time they were going to Netflix instead of Betamax.

Whatever their background, this one has ideas, and they ain’t afraid to share ’em …

Erm, hang on, anyone beginning to wonder if this is a retired Netflix script writer?

You know, the heavily convoluted plot before the end of the first episode – kinda givey-awayhey stuff here, dontcha think?


Never mind, let’s get with the show:

We have a rather tastefully dressed witch instead of the standard ‘fired through a consignment shop with a Napoleonic siege cannon’ vibe; the standard ’70s Hipster werewolf, and the basement dweller skinned little vamp who prefers sleeping on a couch to sleeping in a big box.

Plus a Sweet Succulent Granny and the less than obligatory phantom fairy f**ker. Well, that sort always did like a good stiff one.

Dare we suggest hot and burn for Vampypoos? Hope she’s remembered to pack the suncream with an SPF factor of 10 000 … (20 000 if she’s taking a St John’s Wort supplement …)

Seems to be some thought and a lot of dialogue to this ‘un – will have to keep an eye out and see how it goes, but like so many before they may find a blog space beckons for back up safety in time.


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