Islam4Sims3 EXPOSED As EA Forum Regular Jay6754’s Sock Puppet To Troll HIMSELF!

Now here’s a real treat for you all this Saturday morning – how a routine Mare’s Nest investigation turned into a full blown ‘WTF?!’

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You really would think that people would spot a troll like this from a hundred miles away.

Yeah, sure, like World Adventures never happened!

When faced with a post like this, the correct first manouevre is to check their profile.

Late Night expansion pack only. Therefore not his first account, and so more than likely someone that’s been either banned before or someone that has decided to run up another account in which to cause trouble with for kicks.

Yet some people still fell for it!

Really Rflong7, you ought to know a troll at least when you see one – but at least Icebro was at hand to deliver the warning to all.

Johnnywr added his contribution.

We always thought athiests would want more cowbell?

Rflong7 returned to being Rflong7 to note that the point of the Sims is that you can make it anything you want, without needing EA to do it for you.

It’s what some imagine that worries us, you bloody magic gnome fetishist pervert!

And then came the inevitable troll-off:

Like we didn’t expect that to happen!

As Icebro pointed out, this dipwad Islam4Sims3 was trolling elsewhere on the EA forum.

If there wasn’t enough bumnuggetry being added to that thread, Sunirose decided to add some of her own.

Jesus wept!

Typing in capitals in oversized font – blimey, that’s original!

Thank the plumbobs LaurenIsRuler was on hand to bring some sanity to matters.

‘Eat Thy Cheese Toastie, For It Is My Body – Drink Thy Llama Milk, For It Is My Blood.

Oh, and for the benefit of anyone out there still seeing him as remotely genuine, here’s what he posted on another thread about a Sims 3 version of Alnwick Castle earlier this year.

There’s also three similarly registered accounts on the EA forum, all in the UK and two of which were run up within days of one another.

Why would he bother doing that, unless he knew there was a good chance of some of them being banned for his planned behaviour on the forum.

He also posted this, which generated zero response.

So who is this Islam4Sims3?

He is in fact one Jamie6747 – one upon a time a moderator of the SimCity4 boards – also known as JamieM2009, amongst other things.

You really would be amazed how this guy/girl (a matter for debate!) fills in their time on the internet!

His other activities include it appears posting fake letters purporting to be from United Nations accredited organisations to people (UNIDO is in fact the United Nations Industrial Development Organistation, and has nothing to do with internet policing!), filled with spelling and grammatical howlers. Haven’t some people heard of using the spell and grammar checker in their word processors?

Oh, and he’s banned from Mod The Sims after causing trouble there under a variety of sockpuppet accounts.

HystericalParoxysm’s gonna be spluttering his breakfast Wheatie Puffs though when he discovers he got back on under another name that slipped their notice!

For those of you on the EA Forum and Mod The Sims may know Jamie6747 under another more familiar name.

Yes, Jay6754 is the same person as Jamie6747!

‘Prove it!’ you say. Well for starters, his New York World on the EA Forum just happens to turn up over on Sims Forums, posted under the name Jamie6747:

The pictures at both EA and at Sims Forums come from Flickr accounts.

Oh, and for good measure appears on the EA UK Forums under the name Jamie6747 too.

It gets worse. On YouTube, old Jamie6747 appears under another name.

Not to be confused with Writin_Reg, by the way – two entirely different people!

This is what his current (or at least one of his current) YouTube accounts looks like.

But he was nice enough to post up confirmation that Jamie6747 and Jay6754 are one and the same three years ago on YouTube!

If you ask us, this cheeky little git deserves a good leathering after all the trouble he’s caused. Come to think of it, Jamie probably feels the same.

When he’s looking to relax from a day trolling himself on the EA forums under sockpuppets in order to bump his own threads, he likes nothing better than to be found here…

And you can find out what that website’s about yourselves!

P.S. For the terminally stupid who still haven’t grasped the above, there’s a fewer syllable words and lots of big colour pictures follow up to be found here.

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