Meina Is So Happy She Has A Dripping Wet Pussy (Dragon Out The Old Jokes Again)

Over on You Know Who’s legacy appearing on the EA forum and their own blog, a cat has entered the scenes, first as a stray, and then having found staff, er we mean owners.

One which likes nothing better than playing in puddles.


Okay, sorry but this is MsPoodle’s cat sweaters levels of bonkers. Apart from the Turkish Van, one thing all cats have in common is a universal loathing of getting wet because thanks to having four coats of fur (yes, really), they take forever to dry and it significantly increases their weight until they do. They are also very susceptible to feline viruses when wet due to the significant decrease in body temperature caused by dampness to a cat.

So well done to the bumnugget who coded in all the cat interactions with water like they did for dogs.

Still, Dragon has plenty of new staff ready to serve their every whim.

And with body parts just waiting to be chewed and clawed …

… before running off to the shops in the pouring rain because they’ve run out of their new fur baby’s favourite new overpriced gourmet cat food.

On second thoughts, it was to get herself a big old dose of skin cancer with a side serving of Flu Lottery jab. Definite crazy cat lady in full training!


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