Are SimmieJunkie & GrammarKing One & The Same?

Written 5th September 2009.
simmiejunkie enquires

On the same thread as Tuityfruity12aj saying how much she dislikes the Gossip Girl Sims website (which probably really means she’s seldom off it) comes Simmiejunkie asking innocently as to why people think he is GrammarKing.

It’s not too difficult to answer this question – one merely has to go back the last few days threads on the official forum to see where people have pick this up from (during those small moments when the board is working properly, that is).

Let’s go back to September 1 2009. GrammarKing posted on the board the following:

GrammarKing asks for help

GrammarKing asks for help

So a mysterious unnamed ‘she’ cannot log in? She. Or rather three ‘she’s and two ‘her’s. So at least we know that GrammarKing’s friend is female.

Three minutes later, GrammarKing starts another thread on the same topic, but now we find that SimmieJunkie has just had a sex change – from a she to a he. Or rather two ‘he’s.

EA Board problems cause GrammarKing's friend to change sex?

EA Board problems cause GrammarKing's friend to change sex?

Of course, with just a standard kitchen knife you could make a he into a she yourself in under 20 seconds, chop-chop – though a bit messy. But she to a he? Difficult.

This brings us to the first puzzle. If GrammarKing and Simmiejunkie are using the same computer, how can GrammarKing possibly get Simmiejunkie’s gender wrong? This cannot be dismissed as a mere slip of the keys – the specific different gender to each post is mentioned more than once.

Simmiejunkie’s account was created the week before GrammarKing’s (3 June 2009 as opposed to 11 June 2009), but who had never made a single post prior – the account lying completely unused until the 1 September 2009. No surprise there – the membership lists are riddled with people that have never made a single post.

However, despite helping Simmiejunkie to activate their account from his computer, it is strange that whilst there certainly has been a fair bit of Simmiejunkie appearing at the EA Sims3 forum, no one has seen or heard from GrammarKing – one of the most prolific posters – ever since.

No sooner on-board, Simmiejunkie tried to off-topic a thread asking who has been banned.

"Hi! I'm New Here! Who's been banned?" ("Pardon?")

"Hi! I'm New Here! Who's been banned?" ("Pardon?")

Just the sort of normal question a brand new board member asks, which other board members (people whom they don’t know from a hole in the head in the first place) have been debarred.

But anyone not suspicious already would have given a big Fred Flintstone ‘Now WAIT a minute!’ when Simmiejunkie said to Lawertend “You’ve been here forever”. Again, as a board newbie, how could they know?

If you weren't already wondering, you won't be now...

If you weren't already wondering, you won't be now...

Even Inspector Gadget would not have failed to pass up Simmiejunkie’s next line – “Is GrammarKing banned?” The same GrammarKing whose computer he/she/it was using only the previous day?

Why ask on a world wide web board of strangers when they could have phoned them up or gone called on their house to check instead? This was then followed up with mentioning that they knew Makeitwork322 was banned. Remarkably well informed for one that’s only been posting for 24 hours.

But how could GrammarKing have two accounts? Quite simple – two copies of the game. There’s nothing stopping people having multiple copies of The Sims3 and having more than one account as it is based on registrations. Only those with more money than sense would do so on purpose, but it would be quite easy for someone to acquire a second as a present from someone unaware you already had it (eg. a distant relative on your birthday).

So there’s the evidence, whether it is true (and whatever motives he may have for doing this) are entirely up to you. We’ll worry only when there are rumours about Vera_Blake having two accounts…