Archive for December 12, 2014

Butterflies Of Doom In Sims 4?

Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2014 by themaresnest

Typical EA! Another idea of ours they had to steal – and the game still ended up crap!

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yewot  yewot

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Actually one of us was wondering until they read the post whether EA had decided to copy the butterfly Flitter from Fantasy Life.

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We had no idea though that eating meat made butterflies ‘viscous’. Surely they’re only that when in the chrysalis stage?

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So speaketh the voice of inexperience. Best thread ever on the EA forum? Pah!

shakehead  shakehead

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No idea about Lupus – Bookygirl’s the expert on that one – but as for Rabies, that’s definately Jazz-Hands department.