Archive for October, 2017

Crowkeeper’s Unlucky Hut Is A Lucky Simblreen Find

Posted in Uncategorized on October 31, 2017 by themaresnest

There’s tonnes of goodies this Simblreen, with the usual deluge on the day itself, and our favourite that kept with the theme was this beauty (it’s all in the eye of the beholder, you know…) from Crowkeeper.

Spooky at night but an attractive looking ramshackle wreck covered in pigeons on the roof (you have to go into edit to spot them!), this would be ideal for story tellers, especially those wanting to base a Rags to Riches (or at least to somewhere with less holes in the roof) around it.

The inside looks a complete bombsite, much more of a wreck than PolarBearSims one last month, and we loved the touch of the pumpkin lanterns inside to go with the plentiful pumpkins outside.

If you sift through the squashes outside, you will notice one of them is of nice quality for replanting if you are of the gardening sort. There’s a fridge inside the lot for storing those gathered (which we ought to have tested to make sure was still working, but never mind, don’t say you weren’t warned!), along with an equally mouldy looking bed. Yes, it is just a bit of a fixer-upper!

Sitting on a 20 by 15 plot – costing §19 525 unfurnished and §25187 furnished (not the other way round as she has it on her Tumblr!), this requires World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University, Island Paradise and Into The Future. Which you had anyway.


Go grab it whilst it’s still up and have a run with it with one of your Simmies on an empty island or whatever: at least it will give you something to do whilst waiting for the next set of Dusk Realm pictures Crowkeeper posts to the usual Pavlovian drooling from us!

Cororon And JoAnne65 Are Mesmerised By Nikkei_Simmer’s Massive Swelling Organ Which He Loves To Play With

Posted in Uncategorized on October 30, 2017 by themaresnest

Sometimes these titles just write themselves, don’t they?

As if there’s not enough lunacy being caused by the EA forum’s European contingent all over the shop (Gitte2001 and KaikiMikkusu – we rest our case), now on the EA forum the some time Boolprop Fight The Addiction False moderator Cororon’s started a Halloween thread which got out of hand in next to no time:

Before you could say send for Val Guest and Tinto Brass, the script took an all too predictable turn.

Just so long as that’s all you’re imagining, young lady – ‘That guy has a big organ’ indeed!


JoAnne65 also wasted no time in saying how much she loved watching Nikkei_Simmer’s video of playing with his enormous organ:

To no one’s surprise, CravenLestat was on the thread like a shot after this, although at least he managed to keep it family orientated:

… although that didn’t last very long!

That’s quite enough about torture dungeons from you, young man!

Thank the plumbobs Bekkasan kept it clean:

At which point we decided to leave her playing with her pumpkins and the rest playing with… we’d rather not say!

Rflong7/13’s Halloween Horror

Posted in Uncategorized on October 29, 2017 by themaresnest

Our Becca has been getting into the spooky spirit this month well ahead of time.

Yes, very good – even if it does look like Jack ‘Enormous Ego’ Nicolson.

Yes, yes, a pumpkin scary plumbob – we’re sure Switch-Cloverstardropper will approve.

But nothing – not even the reboot of ‘It’ has yet matched the sheer terror of what Rflong7/13 unleashed at the beginning of the month…

Rosemow, seriously?

Meanwhile Over At Mod The Sims They’re Having Spam For Dinner

Posted in Uncategorized on October 28, 2017 by themaresnest

… and breakfast, and lunch…

All those moderators as well – yep, things really aren’t the same these days down Delphy way.

Maybe if their moderators like MustLuvKatz and HellFrozeOver spent less time ‘commenting’ (heaven forbid anyone say ‘trolling’ – because we all know They Don’t Do Things Like That…) on Sim Secret and getting involved in other dramas more ludicrous than those conjured by the drug addled imaginations of British prime time television, and a little more time doing the job they were appointed to do, this wouldn’t be an issue.


Then again…

… maybe the TV ratings for the ‘World Series’ (ie. America’s Baseball – they call it the World Series because, well, you know, the U.S.A people…) are that poor and they’re that desperate to get anyone to watch the Hoovers vs the Shriners or whatever, that it wouldn’t make any difference if Delphy made everyone a moderator?


Alexandra and Gitte2001: Both As Bad As Each Other In Practice It Seems…

Posted in Uncategorized on October 27, 2017 by themaresnest

Over at Ice-Cream For Breakfast, there’s been dramas galore this month – some of them funny…

‘At that, Penny’s true class and character floated to the surface, much like the aftermath of a claggy, stodgy pudding that simply wouldn’t flush.’


We’d no idea what a ‘hure’ is though, so thank the plumbobs for Google:

Every day an education, eh?


Less funny was this:

Not very edifying in all three instances: regarding the anon (clearly intending to inflame matters further), regarding Gitte2001’s behaviour, but also that of OneAndOnlyAlexandra-HellFrozeOver.

For starters, here we are almost three weeks later (this screening being taken long before) and so much for ‘will delete later’. Anyone would think you were trying to cause the very drama you say you’re wanting to avoid.


If that seems harsh, bear what we’ve said in mind for later.

Walk On The Wild Side

First up, let’s take paragraph four. Whilst nil out of ten for Gitte2001 asking for the latest technical bulletin on your undercarriage (had it been either of us, we’d have responded with some quip and got a laugh out of being asked anything so crass – it usually gets the message over better…), the topic of your ‘intersex’-ness is hardly a big secret considering you’ve made bloody sure your readers have got to know your whole non-Simming back story several times a year.

‘I think that I’m a pretty open book on here’ – so will you accept that could equally be interpreted by others as an invitation to ask questions they would dare not ask another?

Not quite to Jazz Jennings levels, but certainly going in the same direction.



Incidentally, veteran readers will note the following amongst Alexandra’s acolytes being a certain troll we hung out to dry last year for posting Gitte2001’s conversation with her – which was supposed to be private – on PasteBin for everyone to download.

With friends and ‘allies’ like Titosims, who needs enemies?

As for the reason you’re scared of nuns (number eight), probably for much the same reason everyone else in Britain’s been terrified of them since the 1970s – this one went straight into future generations DNA similar to having phobias about spiders, wasps and snakes.


But we digress.

Even we’d known about it for ages when we’ve hardly made any secret that wittering on about your private (or rather ‘ought to be kept bloody private, you bumnugget!’) life is one sure way of getting us yawning in boredom – and for that matter most of the rest of the Simming community thereafter. As SimPure Thoughts discovered the hard way way back in 2011, once you’ve played the ‘rainbow’ issues card you’d better be a bloody top notch custom content creator and a dazzling writer, otherwise you’ll soon be yesterday’s news when your fickle audience move on to those with fresher revelations than you.

Fair enough, OneAndOnlyAlexandra-HellFrozeOver at least does have that in her favour – but with one failed forum behind her, it does beg the question how much longer the new one will last if they appear eager to expel anyone guilty of ‘thought crimes’ – which reading between the lines appears to be the real issue here.

Everyone knows that Gitte2001 can be a right git at times, but anyone that’s survived the ban-happy Simgurus this long can’t be that heinous in their verbiage as some would make out (mind you, it was a miracle Redwood Shores didn’t take a contract out on us after this moment of hilarity was aired).

Which brings us to the next point: Gitte2001 has made comments about transsexuals and race (her alleged other ‘crime’) on the EA forum without the Simgurus – or anyone else – getting into the same almighty collective knicker twist those on Dumblr manage to get themselves into every single day – especially the social justice warrior element, always on the lookout for someone new to bully under the pretense of ‘offence’ when in reality they’re getting off on making the well-meaning (if gullible) feel they have to act like they’re walking on eggshells in case someone is ‘triggered’.

Indeed, the worst the Simming community’s favourite beetroot and horse sausage (grrrr!) munching Sprout (well okay, only!) can be accused of is the embarrassing obsequiousness she’s displayed towards you and your mates trying to be friends to the extent of claiming to be bisexual in the hope you lot would cut her some slack (but more on that later).

And was she really that wrong? This time last year she was being treated by some of the more mentally unbalanced parts of Dumblr like she was the Antichrist for saying what plenty of others turned out to be saying that she was downright bloody bored of people playing the race card within the Simming community for highly dubious ends (some of whom turned out later to be thieves stealing from other custom content creators). Play the rainbow card, lo and behold a ‘second chance’. Funny how often that story plays out concerning Simmers behaving badly…


Onto Another Weighty Matter…

Next, the bit about Gitte2001 being mean about Alexandra hitting the scales (…’and she went on to make comments about my weight’), but before we go any further, let’s establish some dates and times:

So we are quite clear we are talking about the period of 7th and 8th of October? Good.

Here’s the first post from Ice-Cream For Breakfast of interest, posted on the 7th:

Now here’s the response from Gitte2001 (amongst others) the same day:

First of all, where is there any indication Alexandra took the remotest bit of offence to Gitte2001’s question? Indeed, she even starts by saying ‘I’m sorry to ask’: clearly trying not to give offence to begin with, and Alexandra duly replied: which considering she’d made a post on her blog about the matter and not closed off comments, did seem fair enough, yes?

Nor for that matter did anyone else appear to take issue with what Gitte2001 said in the comments section thereafter where you’d expect them to be:

Secondly, considering how many selfies Alexandra’s posted on her blog (cut a long story short, she looks thin), is it any wonder (if not perhaps understandable) that Gitte2001 was perhaps showing some concern about Alexandra talking about going to one of those organisations making a lot of money from exploiting other people’s misery and – to be blunt – gullibility.

’13 stone isn’t exactly enormous through’ – yes Alexandra, exactly why we suspect Gitte2001 was wondering why you’ve signed up to drink that loony cult’s Kool-Aid. The diet industry is a racket, but that’s another topic for another time…

(If anyone is interested, try watching this for one and it will put you off ‘diet food’ forever – unless you really are into eating wallpaper paste and duckling feathers as well as crying for no reason repeatedly. Here’s The Mare’s Nest Diet: eat and drink less processed shit, exercise more, not f**king rocket science, is it? Especially with a gym now on every street corner to cater for this narcissistic age. And spend the money you save on diet planners bullshit on something else you like).

Someone regularly walking dogs (one a freaking Springer Spaniel for crying out loud!) needs Weight Watchers and their ilk like Spain needs another region (hello Basques!) deciding the Spanish Civil War was such jolly fun they’d love to start another…

(‘Think of the novels! Think of the memoirs! Think of the international involvement! Think of Pan’s Labyrinth!’ Yeah, just don’t think about the mass genocide resultant, as with any war based on ideology …).

At any rate, the news that Gitte2001 has been blocked for good (at least this week, you know how it is for the Dumblrsphere…) along with the rather elongated charge sheet you saw at the beginning of this post was greated with predictable ‘there, there diddums!’ from the masses:

AcquireSimoleons also decided without a shred of evidence to accuse Gitte2001 of being the one who was posting the anonymous complaints that she should have been banned earlier!

Gitte2001’s response (at least for a while)?

‘I don’t call trying to be sociable ‘harassment’.’

And that was that for a fortnight: until this bundle of crap appeared on Sim Secret:

So Gitte2001 (stupidly) posted on Sim Secret in reaction to a troll, and all of a sudden Alexandra comes in shouting the odds over matters Gitte2001 hadn’t even brought up?

We’re sorry, but that is trying to cause trouble in anyone’s book, despite her past protestations to the contrary. And she hadn’t finished:

This was the part as far as we were concerned it was clear both of them were as bloody bonkers as each other.

‘No digs at me in your profile’ ? How the f**k would you know what ‘digs’ Gitte2001 was allegedly making unless you were looking at her Dumblr in the first place – the person you apparantly despise and wanting nothing to do with?


As for Gitte2001’s cringeworthy reply – rule number one in life, let alone the poxy Simming community, is that nobody’s worth crawling all the earth (hit it, Divine!).

And that’s where matters currently rest in an episode that’s not exactly left either covered in glory. Certainly it’s going to be pretty damn hard for the two to avoid one another as matters stand, considering both of them are regular custom content creators at Mod The Sims!

It’s going to be even harder as well considering that Alexandra is a moderator now for MTS. Unless of course the latter’s hoping to drive out or force out Gitte2001.

We wish you luck in trying to get together a case for booting out Gitte2001 by the way so long as she minds her Ps and Qs – considering your boss over there is very fond of ‘older teenage girls’


Tangie’s Halloween Horror

Posted in Uncategorized on October 26, 2017 by themaresnest

It wouldn’t be Halloween (or should we be saying Simblreen? Somehow it’s just not the same without Pookyscones around though…) with there being some sort of reference to creaky old horror turning up in the Dumblrsphere, and World Explorer Tangie-HappySimmer3 has been happy to oblige with her own take on The Exorcist.

Sort of.

Either that or she needs to lay off the baby food with all those additives.


We’ve Got A Challenge For You, Minx

Posted in Uncategorized on October 26, 2017 by themaresnest

Here’s a few for Sims 3:

1. Trying to play the game after the 1.69 patch.

2. Trying to play it without any NRaas mods (yeah, we know…)

3. Trying to run Isla Paradiso. That is, the original EA version, without any of these fixes.

Here’s one for Sims 4:

Trying to play it for longer than an hour without once having the desire to slash your wrists.


Alexandra’s Keeping It Under Her Hat

Posted in Uncategorized on October 25, 2017 by themaresnest

It’s that magical time of year again, Simmers.

No, not bloody Christmas, Halloween or even Bonfire Night.

Take it away OneAndOnlyAlexandra-HellFrozeOver…

Come on admit it, if the hats don’t matter, why do you pause before buying your usual favoured slug of smoothie because you already have ‘that’ hat?

We’ve always wondered if Aarin could be persuaded to do her bit for this very worthwhile charity, and it involves her two favourite things, knitting and grannies. Do you think we should ask her?


(By the way, on a serious note, don’t go buying up the hats which you sometimes see appearing on eBay and the like for $25 for collectors. If you’re that desperate for the bloody things, get one of your British Simmers to post you theirs, and if you feel like donating to a worthy cause, here’s where to go).

FloraFlora2’s Chip Off The Old Block

Posted in Uncategorized on October 24, 2017 by themaresnest

FloraFlora2’s been busy again over at Mod The Sims (which is so much like The Sims Resource these days it’s scary), and has come up with something neat for all you bloody city building bores jeez just buy Simcity and be done with it who can’t get enough of worlds looking like Bridgeport, Roaring Heights (and Cambridge if the council gets its bloody way of sticking new Lego brick developments on every bit of flat land unchecked, right BluebellFlora?).

As you may have guessed from the start from the name, it’s going to help having the University, Ambitions, Seasons, in fact every one of the expansions bar perhaps Into The Future.

As FloraFlora2 says, it’s inspired by the squashed mixture of painfully old with painfully new that’s prevalent in most western cities (ironically less so in Japan which inspired this thanks to the U.S.A.F. firebombing so many of their cities back in the 1940s).

The link’s back up at the top of the page if any of you are interested – remember you have to be a member to download.

Yes, More Bloody Kaiko Bumnuggetry…

Posted in Uncategorized on October 23, 2017 by themaresnest

Another day, the same old broken record:

We can think of a good place you can insert Blatt…