Archive for July 2, 2019

Aarin And The Politics Of Dancing, Er We Mean Knitting!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 2, 2019 by themaresnest

But first, The Great Knit wants to run her jazz hands over your pussy but doggy’s not her style.

Some days this crap writes itself …


‘I’ve already seen your beagle’

Both of us are too terrified to go to Urban Dictionary to find out what beagle translates into thesedays under contemporary parlance.

Arrin’s providing penetrating answers as well as questions.

Okay Aarin, what have you got against Canadians? At least they’ve got cool political parties to vote for at election time!

Make up your mind!

Stick to culture, it’s more your forté than politics.

That’s simple – because marble is so expensive, and hideously so. Ergo, the only ones who will be allowed near it will be the very best sculptors.

Furthermore, any marble block will be used up to make something else if the original work was deemed a failure – or a more competent sculpture will come along and finish the job properly.

For example, Florence Cathedral were left with a large block of marble from redecorating the roof in 1464, messing up their courtyard. They hired Agostino to make a statue, only for him to report back after initial chiselling away that the reason the block had been left behind in the first place was that it was of very poor quality: one wrong bang in the wrong place and you’d be left with the contents of Cloverstardropper’s gall bladder. Ten years later, another sculptor, Antonio Rosellino, told them the same.

In 1501, determined to get rid of the eyesore one way or another, they hired a young upstart that had just returned to town and gave him two years to make something of it.

The end result was the most famous statue of all time.

Michaelangelo's 'David' aka 'The Tiddler'

Michelangelo’s ‘David’ aka ‘The Tiddler’

Elsewhere, Aarin was being cynical about Pride Month, but when you’re living in San Francisco it’s a bit like asking people in Bayeux to get all orgasmic over International Tapestry Week or whatever.

The corporate and political virtue signalling every June is tortuous – we’ve never yet saw those cynically appealing to the pink pound and rainbow vote for short term expediency ever manage to grasp the nettle the way the McGillicuddy Serious Party did!


Aarin meanwhile is much more immersed in the real political issues of today – the politics of knitting.

And we always thought it merely meant sweet succulent grannies knitting around Madame Guillotine during the French Revolution.

Apparently though, this stuff is also pornographic!

But now it seems even the humble hobby of knitting has fallen victim to the gender wars:


Erm, after what you’ve just told us, we think perhaps the race wars or the TERF wars or dealing with Vladimir Putin sounds less risky!