Archive for September 12, 2017

Mikezumi Asks ‘Is It Art?’ – Simasaurus09 Asks ‘Is This Someone’s Idea Of A Sick Joke?’

Posted in Uncategorized on September 12, 2017 by themaresnest

One Simmer’s ‘Mona Lisa’ is another Vladimir Tretchikoff effort, and even amongst Simmies there’s debate as to what is art and what is simply missing the letter F in front…

Have to say Mikezumi, we were impressed your Simmies were producing something more high brow, instead of knocking off endless pictures of naked young Adonis’ (except considerably more well endowed than most Greek sculptors – seriously folks, if ever there was a culture which ought to have invented strap-ons to give women any chance of an orgasm it was ancient Greece if those tiddler statues were representative of the contemporary ideal of the male of the species).

Then again, it could be worse…

Alas! Poor Simasaurus09: that she should live to see her Simmies churning out Sparkly Vampire fanart!