Archive for September 17, 2017

MadameLee Wants Her Dad To Stop Sticking His Sausage In The Salad

Posted in Uncategorized on September 17, 2017 by themaresnest

Some days these post titles just write themselves.

Another day, another one of those bizarre yet compelling dramas in the real life of Crazy Anne, as Kraftdinnerland’s answer to the Lovegood family have another of their episodes, beginning with MadameLee feeling her dad had sold her a pup…

Considering the dog is called Arson, your dad ought to be relieved that relieving itself on the floor is all it did!


The next bit is … well, have a read of it yourselves:


Sausage in a salad? Even for the land of Milk in Bags, that’s off the wall.

But we are in full agreement here with MadameLee – and we believe you dear reader will be too – that her dad should be kept well out of the kitchen until he ceases attempting to stick his sausage where it is not wanted.


Which makes us wonder what on earth does Rosemow find to defend here?

He’s sticking his sausage in the salad to save electricity costs? Is this some new form of green energy we’ve yet to be told about? We think we should be told!